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Hearing Aid Prices Ireland

So what can you expect to pay for the latest and best hearing aids in Ireland? We give you a rundown of the price of hearing aids from Independent Hearing Aid Centres. We don't set prices here, so our price list is informational. Individual hearing aid centres in our network set their own prices based on the service they deliver. The hearing aid that is best for you depends on your lifestyle and your personal hearing requirements. This is something that you can work out with a hearing care professional. All of the hearing aids we talk about here are the latest and best. The prices will include the hearing aids and all of the aftercare you need.

Boots Hearing in Ireland offer exceptionally keen hearing aid prices on a binaural fit (two hearing aids). However, their price for single hearing aids would be in the same range as we have detailed here. They just offer a significant discount on two hearing aids. Both Specsavers and Boots Hearing Care provide clear pricing on their websites. Boots predominantly offer mainstream brands within their pricing. Specsavers list mainstream brands but will more often than not push you towards their own white label brand. I don't like white labels, they can't be compared and the provider can tell you anything they want about them without you being able to actually check. Most modern hearing aids in Ireland fit within the price ranges below:

  • Top of the range: Between €2400 to €3000
  • Upper Mid Level: Between €1800 to €2400
  • Lower Mid Level: Between €1400 to €1800
  • Entry Level: Between €1000 to €1400

Use these buttons to jump to prices for different brands.

Widex PricesPhonak Prices Resound PricesOticon PricesSignia Prices

Widex Hearing Aid Prices


Unique and Beyond Made For iPhone Hearing Aids

Widex launched their latest hearing aids yet in late 2015, they have called them the Unique range. Widex have gone a little mad with their branding advertising for the new Unique range with outdoorsy activity imagery. However, they have done so for a reason that relates to the hearing aid technology. One of the new key features in the Unique range is a quite amazing wind noise management feature. So these hearing aids may well be the best hearing aids for you if you are an outdoorsy type of any description. The range is a full line up of hearing aids, ITE, BTE and RIC devices in four levels of technology.

Widex Unique hearing aids

Unique Hearing Aid Prices

We would expect the Unique range to be sold at prices from €1000.00 to €3000.00


Brand Model Price Per Aid
Widex Unique 440 From €2400.00 to €3000.00
Widex Beyond 440 From €2400.00 to €3000.00
Widex Unique 330 From €1800.00 to €2400.00
Widex Beyond 330 From €1800.00 to €2400.00
Widex Unique 220 From €1400.00 to €1800.00
Widex Beyond 220 From €1400.00 to €1800.00
Widex Unique 110 / Beyond 110 From €1000.00 to €1400.00

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Phonak Hearing Aid Prices


Audeo Belong/ Bolero Belong/ Virto Belong

Phonak Belong Hearing AidsThe Belong range of hearing aids is the latest range of hearing devices from Phonak. The Belong range is a full model line up with receiver in canal, Behind the ear and in the ear hearing devices. This is a range of firsts for Phonak with their first ever rechargeable RIC hearing aid, their first ever rechargeable BTE hearing aid and their first ever custom hearing aid with a titanium shell. The devices are available in four levels of technology, the B90, the B70, the B50 and the B30. The new Virto Titanium is only available in the B90 and the B70 level. The rechargeable devices are available at every level except, the B30 level.

Price: From £1000.00 to €3000.00 depending on technology level of hearing aids and the Practice.

Brand Model Price Per Aid
Phonak Audeo Belong B90 Range From €2400.00 to €3000.00
Phonak Virto Belong B90 Titanium Range From €2400.00 to €3000.00
Phonak Bolero Belong B90 Range From €2400.00 to €3000.00
Phonak Audeo, Virto, Bolero V90 Range From €2200.00 to €2800.00
Phonak Audeo Belong B70 Range From €1800.00 to €2400.00
Phonak Virto Belong B70 Titanium Range From €1800.00 to €2400.00
Phonak Bolero Belong B70 Range From €1800.00 to €2400.00
Phonak Audeo, Virto, Bolero V70 Range From €1700.00 to €2200.00
Phonak Audeo Belong B50 Range From €1400.00 to €1800.00
Phonak Bolero Belong B50 Range From €1400.00 to €1800.00
Phonak Audeo, Virto, Bolero V50 Range From €1200.00 to €1600.00
Phonak Audeo Belong B30 Range From €1000.00 to €1400.00
Phonak Bolero Belong B30 Range From €1000.00 to €1400.00
Phonak Audeo, Virto, Bolero V30 Range From €900.00 to €1200.00

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Resound Hearing Aid Prices


Resound LiNX 3D Hearing Aids

Resound LiNX 3D hearing aidsThe LiNX 3D range is the latest Made For iPhone hearing aids from GN Resound. They are packed with the very best Resound technology and they are already getting some really great reviews. In fact Steve wears a pair of LiNX 3D 9 and you can see his review here. There is eleven models in three levels of technology in the range and they cover hearing losses from mild through to severe to profound. They are also the first hearing aids that offer complete remote assistance. It means that after the initial fit, you can have major changes to the programming of the aids without visiting the clinic.

Price: From €1400.00 to €3000.00 depending on technology level of hearing aids and the Practice.

Brand Model Price Per Aid
Resound Linx 3D 9 Hearing Aids From €2400.00 to €3000.00
Resound LiNX 3D 7 Hearing Aids From €1800.00 to €2400.00
Resound LiNX 3D 5 Hearing Aids From €1400.00 to €1800.00
Resound Enzo 2 9 Hearing Aids From €2200.00 to €2800.00
Resound Enzo 2 7 Hearing Aids From €1700.00 to €2200.00
Resound Enzo 2 5 Hearing Aids From €1300.00 to €1700.00

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Oticon Hearing Aid Prices


Oticon Opn Hearing Aids

Oticon Opn hearing aidsOticon has just introduced a new groundbreaking hearing device range. They are so small they are practically invisible and come in a range of shades and bright colours. The internet-enabled Oticon Opn comes with a number of additional features because it can connect to devices via the internet and Bluetooth. The hearing aids will connect directly to your Smartphone so you can make phone calls and listen to music without any intermediate streaming device. They are also water resistant to 1m. They are available in three levels of technology and will cover hearing losses from mild to severe to Profound

Price: From €1400.00 to €3000.00 depending on technology level of hearing aids and the Practice.

Looking for Oticon Opn hearing aids in Dublin? Book a free demonstration here


Brand Model Price Per Aid
Oticon Opn 1 Hearing Aids From €2400.00 to €3000.00
Oticon Alta 2 Pro Hearing Aids From €2400.00 to €3000.00
Oticon Oticon Opn 2 Hearing Aids From €1800.00 to €2400.00
Oticon Nera 2 Pro Hearing Aids From €1800.00 to €2400.00
Oticon Oticon Opn 3 Hearing Aids From €1400.00 to €1800.00
Oticon Ria 2 Pro Hearing Aids From €1400.00 to €1800.00

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Signia / Siemens Hearing Aid Prices


Signia Hearing Aids

Signia Primax hearing aidsWhatever the situation, whatever your preference – whether it’s RIC (Receiver in Canal), BTE (Behind The Ear) or ITE (In The Ear) hearing aids, htere is a Primax device for you. The outstanding primax hearing aid technology is available in three technology levels, 7px, 5px and 3px. From Ace primax™ and Pure primax™ RICs to the Motion primax™ standard BTEs and Insio primax™ ITEs, there’s a perfect hearing aid for almost every hearing loss. Plus, with its CROS Pure solution, primax also offers wearers with unaidable hearing loss in one ear easier all round hearing.

Price: from €1400.00 to €3000.00 depending on technology level of hearing aids and the Practice.

Brand Model Price Per Aid
Signia Pure 13 BT 7px Hearing Aids From €2400.00 to €3000.00
Signia Ace 7px Hearing Aids From €2400.00 to €3000.00
Signia Pure 7px Hearing Aids From €2400.00 to €3000.00
Signia Cellion 7px Hearing Aids From €2400.00 to €3000.00
Signia Motion 7px Hearing Aids From €2400.00 to €3000.00
Signia Insio 7px Hearing Aids From €2400.00 to €3000.00
Signia Pure 13 BT 5px Hearing Aids From €1800.00 to €2400.00
Signia Ace 5px Hearing Aids From €1800.00 to €2400.00
Signia Pure 5px Hearing Aids From €1800.00 to €2400.00
Signia Cellion 5px Hearing Aids From €1800.00 to €2400.00
Signia Motion 5px Hearing Aids From €1800.00 to €2400.00
Signia Insio 5px Hearing Aids From €1800.00 to €2400.00
Signia Pure 13 BT 3px Hearing Aids From €1400.00 to €1800.00
Signia Ace 3px Hearing Aids From €1400.00 to €1800.00
Signia Pure 3px Hearing Aids From €1400.00 to €1800.00
Signia Motion 3px Hearing Aids From €1400.00 to €1800.00
Signia Insio 3px Hearing Aids From €1400.00 to €1800.00

Looking For the Latest Signia Hearing Aids or A Hearing Test?

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