Best Hearing Aids & Solutions for Severe to Profound Hearing Loss
An Ecosystem Approach To Better Hearing
Severe, severe to profound and profound hearing loss are difficult hearing losses to treat. The problem is that there is little residual hearing left in which to compress and fit a more normal range of hearing. Superpower hearing aids are a niche market and often slip the focus of hearing aid brands when developing new platforms. However, there are two hearing aid brands that have consistently focused on the development of ever-better hearing aid and accessory solutions for severe to profound hearing loss in the last couple of years. Both Resound and Phonak have consistently introduced new products to deliver better hearing to this slightly underserved market. In 2019, both Oticon and Bernafon added superpower hearing aids to their offerings. The latest addition in this offering is the new Naida Marvel platform which will be available from February 2020.
The Best Hearing Aids For Severe To Profound Hearing Loss 2020
While there are many Super Power hearing aids available, most of them are based on pretty old technology. For instance, the Super from Widex has been around since 2010 or 2011. The best hearing aids for profound hearing loss available right now are as follows:
- The Naida Marvel from Phonak A Made For Any Phone hearing aid (traditionally the leader in Super Power) brand new in 2020
- The Naida B from Phonak
- Resound Enzo 3D, one of only two Made For iPhone Super Power hearing aid ranges
- Unitron Max Tempus
- Oticon Xceed, the second Made For iPhone hearing aid range
- Bernafon Leox, the third Made For iPhone hearing aid range
What You Need To Consider When Buying a Hearing Aid for Profound Hearing Loss
Firstly, if you have a profound hearing loss you should really consider having a cochlear implant evaluation. You may be an ideal candidate and while it is a big step, more and more people are undertaking it and getting outstanding results. However, and unfortunately, not everyone with a profound hearing loss is a cochlear implant candidate. If that is the case for you, well then superpower hearing aids are the way forward.
Limited Styles
The hearing aid options for people with severe to profound hearing loss are limited, although, they are better than they once were. You can pick a traditional BTE (Behind The Ear) or a RIC (Receiver In Canal). The RIC options tend to be a bit more discrete than the BTE versions, however, even the BTE versions are far smaller than they once were. The offerings from the big hearing aid brands do come in several levels of technology from basic all the way to premium.
Multiple Technology Levels
The quality of sound, particularly when it comes to noisy situations, is going to be better at a higher technology level. You get what you pay for though and higher-tech levels also mean higher price tags. Our advice as always is, buy the very best you can afford.
A Custom Earmold is a Must
A custom earmold is always necessary when it comes to fitting a profound hearing loss no matter what type of hearing aid is being used. It is a simple equation, the power provided by a superpower needs a good, secure custom fit mold so they don't whistle like a train.
Your Speech Discrimination Ability Matters
Your success with hearing aids is going to be highly dependent on your speech discrimination score, particularly in noise. Even with the best hearing aid, poor speech discrimination cannot be overcome with hearing aids alone that is a simple fact. We measure your ability to hear sounds and that allows us to understand your hearing loss. However, it doesn't give us an indication of your ability to understand speech. In order that we understand your speech discrimination, we measure how well you understand what you hear when speech is loud enough to hear comfortably.
We measure speech discrimination in per cent terms, so if your discrimination scores are 100%, you understand every word that you hear. However, if your speech discrimination is 0%, you can’t understand a single word that is spoken, no matter how loud it is. It isn't very often that we see 0% scores from anybody with a normal, general run of the mill loss.
Having said all of that, even somebody with a severe to profound hearing loss may have decent speech discrimination scores. Hearing loss levels are not a good indication of speech discrimination. The key here is, if your discrimination is good (80% or higher), typically you will find hearing aids will work well for you in most sound environments.
However, if your discrimination is very poor, well then hearing aids will not deliver everything that you need to hear better in complex situations (noisy ones). The more complex the situation, the more difficulty you will have. While wearing the top of the range hearing aids will give you a little boost, they will still not deliver everything that you need. The answer to this rather frustrating problem is:
You Are Going to Need an Assistive Device
People with profound hearing loss need to take advantage of the revolution we have seen in the additional wireless accessories that are available for use with their hearing aids. Everything from FM systems, remote mics, telecoils, TV streaming adapters, and phone adapters have changed and evolved over the last few years. These are exceptionally important tools for enhancing your listening experience in more difficult sound situations.
As I have said, the best approach to get the best ability to hear with these types of hearing loss is an ecosystem approach, good hearing aids bolstered in different situations by accessories designed for those situations. Nearly all of the hearing aid brands have designed wireless accessories that offer just that to people who need it.
The Streamer Conundrum
Many wireless accessories on the market use some sort of intermediary streamer device that hangs around the neck to bounce signals to the hearing aid (Resound being the only one that doesn't for most things). For some reason many people find this irritating, I haven't a clue why. Having something hanging around your neck is worth it for the quality of audio. Especially when it comes to remote microphones which will do wonders for speech understanding in difficult sound environments.
Phonak Systems, Indirect and now Direct Streaming
For instance, Phonak has two separate systems, the Roger portfolio which is an FM based system and their wireless accessories which work with all of their hearing aids. Both of these systems for superpower hearing aids were based on an intermediary device which bounces the signal to the hearing aids. This is something I will explain later. Both of these systems give you access to streaming audio from several sources including mobile phones, audio and TV systems and remote microphones. However, with the introduction of the new Naida Marvel, you will have access to direct streaming from accessories and Roger devices. It will mean a whole new level of convenience, freedom and better hearing.
Resound Systems, Direct Streaming
Resound are by now famous for their Made For iPhone hearing aid lines. Their Super Power offering is also an MFI device and therefore offers a direct connection to all Apple mobile products for audio streaming. Resound also have a full line wireless accessory portfolio which works with all of their hearing aids and offers direct streaming to their hearing aids. That means there is no intermediary device to be worn or used. With the exception of a connection to an Android mobile phone or other Bluetooth enabled phone.
Naida M Bernafon LeoxOticon Xceed Naida BEnzo 3DMax Tempus Naida V
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Phonak Naida Marvel Hearing Aids
Made For Any Phone Super Power Hearing Aids
Phonak announced the launch of the new Naida Marvel range in January 2020. Details are still a little unclear but we expect them to launched at the end of February 2020. At present, it appears to be just one super power Behind The Ear hearing aid that is powered by a size 13 battery. I would imagine it isn't going to stay that way, Phonak usually launches a range of devices on the Naida, so I would imagine we can expect more than this. The hearing aid will be available in nine colours and the usual four levels of Phonak technology, the 90, the 70, the 50 and the 30. The hearing devices will cover losses from moderate to profound. I would assume they have a telecoil onboard but there is no mention of it in the literature.
Hands-Free Phone Calls & Uber Connectivity
The new Naida will offer the hands-free phone call experience and comprehensive connectivity that other Marvel users are used to. Because the new Naida is built on the Marvel platform it will offer almost complete connectivity to any device with a Bluetooth audio output. That means iPhones, Android Phones, dumb phones, laptops, computers and even Bluetooth enabled TVs. For people with severe to profound hearing loss, this type of connectivity is a true godsend. It levels the playing pitch, allowing them to use devices in the same way others take for granted. Of course, there are two other features in the Marvel platform that will really make a big difference to them.
Roger Direct & myCall-to-Text
People with severe to profound hearing loss need all of the help that they can get to hear better. The myCall-to-text app will deliver just that on their Smartphone. It transcribes phone calls in real-time, offering them live subtitles for their mobile phone calls. This app combined with direct connectivity could allow some people with severe to profound hearing loss use their mobile phone for the first time.
The Roger Direct system is outstanding and now with the Naida Marvel, people with severe to profound hearing loss will be able to use Roger devices without any intermediary devices. That makes life easier and it allows people with this type of loss get on better in more challenging sound environments. That can only be seen as a good thing. The Naida has always been viewed as one of the best hearing aids for severe to profound hearing loss. The release of the Naida Marvel will only cement that position.
Bernafon Leox Hearing Aids
Bernafon launched the Leox towards the end of 2019, the device shares similar hardware with the Oticon Xceed so it has a similar output. It is one of two hearing aid ranges that offer the highest output in the industry. The range is made up of two Behind The Ear hearing aids at two levels of technology.
Made For iPhone Power Hearing Aids
The Leox Super Power hearing aids join a very exclusive group of direct connection Made For iPhone power hearing aids. They will enable power users to connect directly to an iPhone® and connect to any modern smartphone via the ConnectClip to stream sound hands-free to both ears. With the Oticon ON App, patients can regulate volume, change programs, or simply turn off their hearing aids with complete discretion.
The models
There are two models or types, the UP or Ultra Power and the SP or Super Power. There isn’t much difference in size between the two devices with the UP being only slightly bigger. The UP offers the most gain giving an industry-leading 146 dB output. The SP provides a very respectable 143 dB output.
The UP is powered by the massive 675 battery which will make power users very happy. The SP uses a smaller size 13 battery, again as I said, that doesn’t add up to a real difference in size. I think the better option for most users will be the 675 powered UP. It should give pretty outstanding battery life even when streaming audio.
Talking about streaming
The Bluetooth direct connection is the same dual-radio technology that powers the Viron range. It means that you can have a direct link to iPhones And iPads as well as the existing Bernafon accessories like the remote mic and the TV streamer. Both of the devices also have telecoils onboard as well. That's an excellent solution for someone who has the get the best sound information possible. I would expect Bernafon to introduce a Made For Android function sometime in 2020 to the Leox which will mean direct connection to Android 10 compatible phones.
Direct Audio Input
The devices come with the option of direct audio input battery doors that will allow the use of FM receivers or direct audio input cables. For people with severe to profound hearing loss, FM systems are a godsend, and Bernafon has ensured that the Leox is ready for them.
The technology levels
There are two technology levels, the Leox 7 and the Leox 3, with the 7 being the higher technology device. Both technology levels use the proprietary channel free system from Bernafon and the new Decs system that is in the Viron. They also have that new feedback management system that has worked so well in the Viron.
Opn Xceed Hearing Aids
Oticon introduced the Xceed range of hearing aids in August 2019. The Oticon Xceed range is built on the new Velox S platform that powers Opn S. They are the first power hearing aids from Oticon that offer their outstanding OpenSound Navigator (OSN), which they say offers more access to speech with less effort, and their new OpenSound Optimizer which helps to deliver more amplification without whistling.
Oticon Xceed Prices
We would expect the Oticon Opn S range to be sold at prices from £1200.00 to £2200.00 in the UK depending on the Practice and location. We would expect the range to be sold at prices from €1400.00 to €3000.00 in Ireland. We would expect the range to be sold at prices from $1500.00 to $3200.00 in the USA.
The Xceed range is available in three levels of technology with the 1 being the top of the range, the 2 mid-range and the 3 the entry level. The OSN and the OpenSound Booster is not available with the 3 level of technology. With 146 dB SPL and 87 dB full-on gain, Xceed and Xceed Play are the world's most powerful hearing aids. The addition of the underlying OSN technology will give people with severe to profound hearing loss the opportunity to assess how this fascinating technology works for them. The OSN technology by Oticon is said to work “ultra-fast to constantly analyze, prioritize, and preserve speech from all directions while significantly reducing noise.” Our experience with the system is that it works in a profoundly different way from traditional beam forming hearing aids. The system appears to ensure that sound environments offer more nuanced sound, while still preserving the speech that we needed to hear. It is quite different and some experienced users find it a little difficult.
Results from an independent study show that OSN technology in Xceed improves speech clarity by 10%, reduces listening effort by 10%, and increases short-term recall by 15% for patients with severe-to-profound hearing loss.1. Xceed Play with OSN provides up to 20% more speech cues for children with severe-to-profound hearing loss, without the high risk of feedback.2. When extra help is needed, patients can activate OpenSound Booster using the Oticon ON App.
Made For iPhone Power Hearing Aids
The Xceed Power hearing aids join a very exclusive group of direct connection Made For iPhone power hearing aids. They will enable power users to connect directly to an iPhone® and connect to any modern smartphone via the ConnectClip to stream sound hands-free to both ears. With the Oticon ON App, patients can regulate volume, change programs, or simply turn off their hearing aids with complete discretion.
The Models
The Xceed range consists of two traditional Behind The Ear hearing aid models, a smaller Super Power device and a larger Ultra Power device. Both of them have telecoils onboard, IP68-certification for water and dust resistance, and push buttons for easy control. Both models are available in the three levels of technology.
Opn Xceed BTE SP
The Xceed BTE SP hearing aid model is the smaller of the two models in the range. The device has a telecoil onboard, IP68-certification for water and dust resistance, and push buttons for easy control. It is powered with a size 13 battery. It will cover hearing losses down to 110 dB. It is a Made For iPhone hearing aid and will connect directly to Apple products. The Xceed BTE SP range is available in three levels of technology with the 1 being the top of the range, the 2 mid-range and the 3 the entry level. The OSN and the OpenSound Booster is not available with the 3 level of technology.
You can read more about the Oticon Xceed 1 range here.
You can read more about the Oticon Xceed 2 range here.
You can read more about the Oticon Xceed 3 range here.
Oticon Xceed BTE SP Prices
We would expect the Oticon Xceed BTE SP range to be sold at prices from £1200.00 to £2200.00 in the UK depending on the Practice and location. We would expect the range to be sold at prices from €1400.00 to €3000.00 in Ireland. We would expect the range to be sold at prices from $1500.00 to $3200.00 in the USA.
Opn Xceed BTE UP
The Xceed BTE UP hearing aid model is the larger of the two models in the range. The device has a telecoil onboard, IP68-certification for water and dust resistance, and push buttons for easy control. It is powered with a size 675 battery. It will cover hearing losses down to 120 dB. It is a Made For iPhone hearing aid and will connect directly to Apple products. The Xceed BTE UP range is available in three levels of technology with the 1 being the top of the range, the 2 mid-range and the 3 the entry level. The OSN and the OpenSound Booster is not available with the 3 level of technology.
Oticon Xceed BTE UP Prices
We would expect the Xceed BTE UP range to be sold at prices from £1200.00 to £2200.00 in the UK depending on the Practice and location. We would expect the range to be sold at prices from €1400.00 to €3000.00 in Ireland. We would expect the range to be sold at prices from $1500.00 to $3200.00 in the USA.
A Solution For Severe To Profound Hearing Loss From Phonak
Naida Belong Hearing Aids
Phonak has a long history in and is renowned for hearing device solutions for severe to profound hearing loss. I would go as far as to say that the Naida range has become a Dynasty. They have just launched their latest addition to that range. Let's meet the Naida Belong range .
Best Solutions For Profound Hearing Loss
So as I said, Phonak launched the latest addition to their now famous Naida range in February 2018. I think the Naida had been accepted almost universally as one of the best solutions for profound hearing loss. However, with the introduction of the Enzo from Resound and the Super from Widex there is more choice than ever.
Belong Platform Based
The new Naida is based on the Belong chipset and finally brings all of the benefits of that platform to people with severe and profound hearing loss. The Belong platform has been exceptionally well received and it offers real benefits over the Venture platform before it. The new Naida B range is available in four levels of technology which include the B90, B70, B50 and B30, however, it seems that not all of the hearing aid types will be available at every level. Let's take a look
The hearing aids
Naida B R RIC
This is the first ever rechargeable Naida hearing aid, the device is a receiver in canal hearing aid which can be used with three power levels of receivers. The device has a programme button and is powered by a Lithium-Ion rechargeable cell, it will suit people with a hearing loss up to severe. However, the rechargeable hearing aid will only be available in the B50, B70 and B90 technology levels.
The Naida RIC (Receiver in Canal) offers a lot of power in a small package, it will deliver outstanding benefits for people with mild to severe hearing losses delivering power with discretion. The device comes with three possible receiver options, the XS, the XP and the new X UP (for Ultra Power).
Using the new X UP receiver, the hearing aid will cover a hearing loss down to a flat 100 dB. This means that even people with a severe to profound hearing loss can avail of a very discreet solution without compromise in power or functionality.
If this might be an attractive option for you, you need to be aware that there is some extra clean and care steps with a RIC device. As a RIC device, you will need to ensure that you take care of the receiver and follow a daily drying routine to ensure that it does not fail from wax ingression or moisture build up.
Naida B SP
The Naida B SP (Super Power) is a traditional Superpower BTE hearing powered by a size 13 battery that will suit people with a severe to profound hearing loss. The hearing aid has both a programme button and a volume control and will be available in the B90, B70, B50 and B30 levels of technology.
The new Naida B SP can be fitted with a power slim tube and tip which offers real discretion. The power slim tube can be fitted with either acrylic or silicon custom tips. The device can also be fitted with a standard thick tube and mould configuration.
The power output on the Belong SP is the same as the Naida V and it matches the power output of the older Naida Quest UP. This means that more people with severe to profound hearing loss can now avail of a more discreet option.
While the SP runs on a size thirteen battery the power management system that Phonak uses ensures that the battery drain is controlled. The device is a little bigger than the RIC but it is still a very small Super Power hearing aid.
Naida B UP
The Naida B UP (Ultra Power) is a traditional Ultra power BTE hearing powered by a size 675 battery (huge battery, lots of power, big smiles) that will suit people with a profound hearing loss. The hearing aid has both a programme button and a volume control and will be available in the B90, B70, B50 and B30 levels of technology.
The power and size of the new Naida B UP is in line with the Venture UP, giving it even more performance for even the most profound hearing loss. The B UP can also be fitted with a power slim tube and custom tip which means it can be a pretty discreet option.
This is definitely one of the smallest 675 traditional type hearing aid solutions for profound hearing loss. It will give people with profound hearing loss a more discreet solution.
Naida Belong Features
Adaptive Phonak Digital Contrast
The hearing aids have all of the latest features from the Belong range but offer a new proprietary fitting formula called Adaptive Phonak Digital Contrast. Phonak say that the new formula offers real benefits to some people who have real difficulty with hearing speech sounds. In essence, the formula should really contrast the consonant sounds from the vowel sounds in speech to allow better understanding.
Sound Recover 2
This is the latest version of Phonak's sound Recover strategy which was pretty successful when introduced in the Venture chipset. Sound Recover 2 allows access to the nuances of sound that many people with severe to profound hearing loss may not be able to hear. It delivers more speech information without causing distortion.
Water resistant
The range is rated to IP68, which means it will survive immersion in one metre of water for sixty minutes without damage. Phonak are circumspect about calling it water resistant, but another manufacturer calls this level waterproof. One way or the other this range will quite happily get in the shower and the pool with you without having to worry about it failing.
As part of the Belong platform the new Naida range benefits from Autosense and all of its features. This allows it to deliver the best possible experience in a range of sound environments.

Real Ear Measurements Are Essential For Hearing Aids
Gold Standard Fitting
Real Ear Measurements, REMs or Speech Mapping are imperative for best practice hearing aid fitting. It is our best advice to you, to find a hearing care provider who does offer them when you are purchasing. Ask any provider you deal with, do they offer probe tube measurements, if they say no, tell them you will go somewhere else.
A Solution For Severe To Profound Hearing Loss From Resound
Resound Enzo 3D Hearing Aids
Resound have just launched their latest hearing device for people with severe to profound hearing loss. They are updated Enzo Made For iPhone (MFI) hearing aids with their new 3D platform which brings all of the benefits of that new system to this market. Those benefits include better spatial awareness and much better speech understanding in noise. With Made for iPhone® technology, you can stream phone calls, music and more from your iPhone, iPad® or iPod touch® directly to your hearing aids. If you have an Android or any Bluetooth-enabled phone, you can still stream calls, music and more with a discreet ReSound Phone Clip+ wireless accessory.
Vibrant and crystal clear sound
Like the LiNX 3D range from ReSound, Enzo 3D hearing aids come with the superior sound quality of Surround Sound by ReSound. They work together, continuously exchanging data about your sound environment for optimized performance. The hearing aids are available in three levels of technology, the top of the range 9, the 7 and the 5.
Enzo 3D Prices
We would expect the range to be sold at prices from £1200.00 to £2200.00 in the UK depending on the Practice and location. We would expect the range to be sold at prices from €1400.00 to €3000.00 in Ireland. We would expect the range to be sold at prices from $1400.00 to $3200.00 in the USA. Just to be clear, we don't set prices here and they differ from Practice to Practice across the World so our expectations aren't binding, they are just a guess and some research. Always remember, we all like to shop around, but always be clear about what is being delivered. You will need care and support, make sure you will get it. You will also need your hearing aid validated or verified to get the best experience, paying a little more to ensure your experience is good, is not wasted money. That's our price rant for the day over, let's talk about the devices.
Two Models, Huge Power

There are two hearing aid models in the range both of which are Behind The Ear hearing aids and both of which are extremely powerful. The BTE 88 is the smaller of the two and takes a size 13 battery. The BTE 98 is larger but takes the 675 battery that many people with this hearing loss are used to.
The 98 is also more powerful than the 88, although not by much. However, Resound say that the 98 will get twelve days of use on the 675 battery, that's fantastic battery life for a smart hearing aid.
Enzo 3D ET-88
ReSound ENZO 3D ET-88 is the smaller of the two hearing aids but it is a complete super power hearing solution. It provides high levels of amplification without feedback. It offers exceptional clarity and sound quality, and balances improved hearing in noise with preserved access to environmental sounds.
The Smart Range C platform in ReSound ENZO 3D supports their 5th generation of 2.4 GHz wireless technology. This allows ear-to-ear communication along with direct connection to the ReSound Smart 3D™ app, and lets the hearing aids connect wirelessly to iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and select Android phone models via Bluetooth 4.0.
It also includes the industry-first ReSound Assist, which offers you finetuning and hearing aid update opportunities remotely via secure cloud technology. ReSound ENZO 3D HP BTE hearing aids are iSolateTM nanotech coated for optimum durability and meet the IP58 classification for ingress protection.
Enzo 3D ET-88 Prices
We would expect the ET-88 to be sold at prices from £1200.00 to £2200.00 in the UK depending on the Practice and location. We would expect the range to be sold at prices from €1400.00 to €3000.00 in Ireland. We would expect the range to be sold at prices from $1400.00 to $3200.00 in the USA.
Enzo 3D ET-98
ReSound ENZO 3D ET-98 is the larger of the two hearing aids but it does offer a more traditional 675 battery super power hearing solution. It provides high levels of amplification without feedback. It offers exceptional clarity and sound quality, and balances improved hearing in noise with preserved access to environmental sounds.
The Smart Range C platform in ReSound ENZO 3D supports their 5th generation of 2.4 GHz wireless technology. This allows ear-to-ear communication along with direct connection to the ReSound Smart 3D™ app, and lets the hearing aids connect wirelessly to iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and select Android phone models via Bluetooth 4.0.
It also includes the industry-first ReSound Assist, which offers you finetuning and hearing aid update opportunities remotely via secure cloud technology. ReSound ENZO 3D HP BTE hearing aids are iSolateTM nanotech coated for optimum durability and meet the IP58 classification for ingress protection.
Enzo 3D ET-98 Prices
We would expect the ET-98 to be sold at prices from £1200.00 to £2200.00 in the UK depending on the Practice and location. We would expect the range to be sold at prices from €1400.00 to €3000.00 in Ireland. We would expect the range to be sold at prices from $1400.00 to $3200.00 in the USA. $
The Features That Matter
Binaural Directionality III
This first appeared with the introduction of the LiNX 3D range, it is Resound's latest directionality strategy and is a further upgrade to what they have been doing. It involves continuous information exchange between the hearing aids which allows the optimal directionality in the hearing aids for the situation you are in.
What That Means
It simply allows you to focus on the sounds that are important to you, however, it also allows you to be aware of your surroundings. Some thing that is important so that your natural ability to hear in noise is activated.
Spatial Sense
This combines and preserves natural cues so that the brain has the optimal information for localisation of sound and spatial awareness.
What That Means
Put simply, your ability to localise sounds is hugely important, because it is one of the major elements in your ability to listen to the sound you want while ignoring the sound you don't. These devices deliver amazing spatial awareness.
Binaural Environmental Optimizer II
This feature allows the hearing aid s to work together to analyse the listening environment you are in. It then automatically adjusts the features and amplification to deliver the best experience for you.
What That Means
Knowing what the sound situation around you accurately is really important, so this feature identifies the situation with high accuracy and then manages the feature set of the hearing aids to deliver the very best hearing for you. This feature and its accuracy is imperative for the function of the aids. Resound are quoting really high accuracy and our experience concurs.
Noise Tracker II
This is a unique noise reduction system that works on the basis of spectral subtraction. It reduces unwanted noise without affecting the speech signal.
What That Means
The really important bit here is that it seems to do what they are saying. It is excellent on any noise that is steady state (which means recurring similarlily) like engine noise, background hum of any kind. Steve has seen some excellent benefits in noisy situations in particular in his car.
Sound Shaper
High frequency sounds that are not audible due to high frequency losses or cochlear dead regions are compressed in the frequency spectrum. A proportional relationship between input and output frequencies is maintained to minimize distortion.
What That Means
Sometimes and quite often in severe to profound hearing loss, a person no longer has the ability to hear high frequency sounds. Those sounds are exceptionally important for speech clarity. This feature works to improve the audibility of speech cues that would otherwise have been lost by bringing them onto an area where the person still has the abilty to hear. It does this while maintaining the best sound quality possible.
DFS Ultra II With Music Mode
A high precision feedback system that allows the cancellation of feedback with extreme accuracy. The Music mode is a slower acting system which allows better handling of music.
What That Means
Feedback is probably one of the most annoying things for users. The feedback system allows the amplification that you need without causing that damned irritating whistling. Having a system which also has a music mode means that your appreciation of music will be better. Sometimes music can sound like feedback, a music mode allows the system a little more time to make sure it isn't and do nothing. That means less distortion for you.
Flexible Amplification Strategies
For better personalization to your patients’ needs, ReSound ENZO 3D also offers compression modes as alternatives to WDRC that decrease the amount of applied compression – Semi-linear and Linear
What That Means
People with severe to profound hearing loss have a lot of experience with hearing aids. Many are used to a particular sound profile and find it difficult to get used to anything else. This feature makes the fitting of the hearing aids more flexible allowing a good dispenser to give you a good approximation of the sound you are used to.
Resound Assist
Resound Assist is the really big news for both Providers and Users. Resound Assist will allow your provider to adjust your hearing aids remotely. That means if you want adjustments on the go, they can be provided without you having to attend the clinic. The system is really easy to use and is quite intuitive. This might not be for everyone, but this feature will be a god send for the people who love it. It will allow them complete freedom over their experience, over their customer experience.
Find out more about the Resound Assist Service here
The App, Resound Smart 3D
The accompanying app also allows you personalise your hearing experience in a deeper way. It has been re-designed to be more intuitive and easier to use and it offers real control. When more clarity is needed, patients can increase speech focus, reduce noise and even reduce wind noise. Again, this might not be for everyone, but for those who want it, it will enrich their experience. This has to be seen as an excellent thing.
Resound Wireless Hearing Aid Accessories
As I have said, the approach for this type of hearing loss should be an ecosystem approach. In the case of profound hearing loss the hearing aids are very rarely enough to hear speech well in the more complex sound environments. That's why wireless hearing aid accessories can really help. Let's take a quick look at the devices available from Resound.
ReSound Micro Mic
The Micro Mic is a small and discrete remote microphone device that connects directly to the Resound Enzo 3D hearing aids. It will make it easier for you to keep up with the conversation in noisy environments.
Your companion simply wears the device clipped to their clothes and their voice is streamed directly to your ears. It works at a range of up to 80 feet in clear line of sight.
The device is a quite simple and discrete solution but its big brother the Multi Mic is probably the one you should think about. Its functionality eclipses the Micro Mic
ReSound Multi Mic
This is a slightly larger but more functional remote microphone that Includes the benefits of the Micro Mic,however, it can also be used as a table microphone. The dynamic microphones in the device will help you get better speech understanding in situations like meetings, cafes and restaurants.
The device is multi functional and will also allow you to connect with loop and FM systems*. You can also use the mini-jack input to stream audio to your hearing aids. *FM receiver is required for FM transmission, but the device has a telecoil receiver on board.

ReSound Phone Clip+
The phone clip+ is a true god send for people with severe to profound hearing loss. It can be clipped discreetly onto clothing and will allow you to make clear mobile phone calls, mute background noise while talking, and stream music, podcasts or any other audio from any Bluetooth-enabled phone.
The Phone Clip+ gives complete freedom to talk on your mobile phone, listen to your music or audiobooks and all with complete ease, no hassle involved.
Our UK readers can buy the Resound Phone Clip + here.
- £299.00,

ReSound TV Streamer 2
The TV Streamer allows you to watch TV comfortably with the sound streamed directly to their hearing aids. So while your family is free to set their own volume, you can adjust the volume using your hearing aids or the accompanying app on your phone to listen at a level that works best for you. Our UK Readers can buy the Resound TV Streamer 2 here.
- £249.00,
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A Solution For Severe To Profound Hearing Loss From Unitron
Max Tempus Hearing Aids
The Max is a three hearing aid model, superpower range with five levels of technology. Unitron has based the feature set and chipset on Unitron's celebrated Tempus platform. Unitron has packed these hearing aids with all of their amazing features which focus on the conversation. However, in a direct nod to superpower users everywhere, they have also ensured that they can be fitted with precisely what they want with ease. The devices have three settings designed to offer completely different strategies.
Superpower Pre-sets To Match Your Preference
Unitron has designed three easily chosen superpower pre-sets in the new Max that should suit the preferences of all superpower users from the first fitting. The pre-sets are as follows:
- Classic: For people who prefer a time-honoured approach to sound processing, with little to no signal processing and no directionality. The most basic hearing aid you can get.
- Conventional: For users who are looking for a more traditional approach to amplification, with moderate signal processing and some directionality. Hearing aids of about ten years ago.
- Current: For people who want the latest and greatest approach to sound processing, with advanced signal processing and directionality. This is the most modern strategy and features available.
It is a simple task for hearing care professionals to switch between these modes. That means that the first fit of these hearing aids can and should match your preferences with ease. That's a smart move by Unitron because it means that more superpower users should accept the devices.
Three Hearing Aid Types
The range has three Superpower hearing aid models, but one of them is not expected to land until sometime next year. The models are a traditional Superpower BTE or the Max SP, a traditional Ultra Power BTE or Max UP and a rechargeable Superpower BTE called the Max SP-R. The rechargeable device is not expected to land until some time in 2019.
Based on Tempus, Optimised For Superpower
As I said, the new Max hearing aid range has the Tempus platform at its core. The Tempus platform has been much celebrated by professionals and users alike. Using an infinite mix of seven sound situations, the Tempus platform delivers what you need to hear better no matter the situation. Whether sharing, laughing, debating, commiserating, or merely being a great listener, their intelligent SoundCore technology makes conversations more enjoyable.
The four features work together seamlessly to understand your listening environment, making the instant, fluid adjustments that you need to participate in every conversation actively, no matter the situation. So you can just get on with enjoying the conversation without worrying about anything else. Let;'s take a look at the features that make Max unique.

Sound Conductor SP
Unitron says that the new Max automatically adjusts to provide optimal audibility for speech while maintaining comfort and overall awareness in all environments. It is optimised for the diverse needs of Super Power patients with severe-to-profound hearing loss, with a significantly stronger emphasis on speech, while maintaining a realistic balance of speech and noise
Frequency Compression 2
They say that the new Frequency compression 2 can deliver an optimal balance of sound quality and audibility at all times. No matter what the input signal is, it provides patients with improved awareness and speech intelligibility by compressing high-frequency sounds into lower, more audible ranges. All while adaptively preserving the natural sound quality of vowels.
Power Adaptation Manager
This is a responsible solution to reduce the risk of over-amplification. This feature helps improve first fit acceptance for you if you are accustomed to extra gain but would like to listen at a safe level. This is achieved by providing the starting point that you desire, then gradually and automatically reducing gain and output to a safer target level that maximises speech intelligibility.
Levels of Technology
The Tempus range is available in five different levels of technology, so there is a hearing aid for every budget. The technology levels are as follows
T Pro – These premium hearing aids work together to automatically help you hear your best in all types of conversations. When background noise is high, your hearing aids will focus on speech from any direction. You will also enjoy effortless, natural hearing and enhanced music performance.
T 800 – Both hearing aids communicate to automatically help you hear better in all types of conversations, especially when background noise is high. You will enjoy effortless, natural hearing and enhanced music performance.
T 700 – Both hearing aids communicate to automatically help you hear better, especially when background noise is high. You will enjoy effortless, natural hearing.
T 600 – These hearing aids automatically help you hear better in some types of conversations and when you are simply relaxing.
T 500 – These hearing aids help you hear better, especially in quieter environments.
A Solution For Severe To Profound Hearing Loss From Phonak
Naida Hearing Aids
Phonak has a long history in, and is renowned for hearing device solutions for severe to profound hearing loss. They launched their latest addition to that range in 2016. Let's meet the Naida Venture range .
Best Solutions For Profound Hearing Loss
So as I said, Phonak launched the latest addition to their now famous Naida range in the UK and Ireland in 2016. I think the Naida has been accepted almost universally as one of the best solution for profound hearing loss. Although there are many contenders for the throne including the Enzo from Resound and the Super from Widex.
Venture Platform Based
The new Naida is based on the Venture chipset and finally brings all of the benefits of that platform to people with severe and profound hearing loss. The Venture platform has been exceptionally well received and even long term Phonak users are blown away by the improvements that it has brought with it. The new Naida V range is available in four levels of technology which include the V90, V70, V50 and V30. A little bit of history here, the original Naida was first launched in 2007 and it quickly became the go to hearing aid for treating people with severe to profound hearing loss. I remember when it was first launched and the response to it when I first fitted it.
The new range brings new styles with much smaller and more powerful devices than were available in the older Naida Quest range. It also introduces some great updated features with a new SoundRecover strategy to deliver as much speech information as possible without causing distortion.
The hearing aids
Naida V RIC
The Naida V RIC (Receiver in Canal) offers amazing power in a small package, it will deliver outstanding benefits for people with mild to severe hearing losses delivering power with discretion. The device which is a new form factor with a size 13 battery comes with three possible receiver options, the XS, the XP and the new X UP (for Ultra Power). The X UP option is a newly designed receiver which offers more output than the previous one. In essence the option will cover a more severe hearing loss.
With the introduction of a newly designed X UP receiver, the hearing aid will cover a hearing loss down to a flat 100 dB. This means that even people with a severe to profound hearing loss can avail of a very discreet solution without compromise in power or functionality. If this might be an attractive option for you, you need to be aware that there is some extra clean and care steps with a RIC device. As a RIC device, you will need to ensure that you take care of the receiver and follow a daily drying routine to ensure taht it does not fail from wax ingression or moisture build up.
Naida V SP
The new Naida V SP is 25% thinner than its predecessor, it is also a much smaller hearing aid. It runs on a size thirteen battery and can be fit with a power slim tube and tip which offers real discretion. The power slim tube can be fit with either acrylic or silicon custom tips. The device can also be fitted with a standard thick tube and mould configuration. The power slim tube has been re-designed by Phonak and it now sits lower on the top of the ear and hugs the face in a better way. This means that it is slightly more discreet than the last generation tubes.
The power output on the new SP has been increased and it now matches the power output of the older Naida Quest UP. This means that more people with severe to profound hearing loss can now avail of a more discreet option. The SP runs on a size thirteen battery which accounts for that smaller size, but the power management system that Phonak uses ensures that the battery drain is controlled. The device is a little bigger than the RIC but it is still a very small hearing aid. All in all it is a very discreet option which delivers a lot of power, something that many people with profound hearing loss really want.
Naida V UP
The new Naida V UP is again thinner and smaller than its predecessor with a new form factor. The power output on the hearing aid has been increased giving it even more performance for even the most profound hearing loss. It is powered by a 675 battery and can also be fitted with a power slim tube and custom tip. This is definitely one of the smallest 675 traditional type hearing aid solution for profound hearing loss. It will give people with profound hearing loss a more discreet solution.
Naida Features
Sound Recover 2
With a new version of Phonak's sound Recover strategy the Naida offers more high frequency cues than ever before. This allows access to the nuances of sound that you may not be able to hear. It delivers more speech information without causing distortion.
Water resistant
The range is rated to IP68, which means it will survive immersion in one metre of water for sixty minutes without damage. Phonak are circumspect about calling it water resistant, but another manufacturer calls this level waterproof. One way or the other this range will quite happily get in the shower and the pool with you without having to worry about it failing.
More robust
The casing is made with a new glass fiber reinforced material, the Naída V is now 60% more robust than its predecessor which together with its resistance to water should really give you confidence it won't fail you. Phonak know that this is important for people with profound hearing loss because without there hearing aids they are in a bind.
As part of the Venture platform the new Naida range benefits from Autosense and all of its features. This allows it to deliver the best possible experience in a range of sound environments.
A Solution For Severe To Profound Hearing Loss From Phonak
Roger Wireless Hearing Aid Accessories
Roger is the name of advanced dynamic wireless accessories from Phonak designed to deliver optimal hearing in noise experiences for people with difficult heraing losses. Roger provides outstanding performance in noise and over distance by wirelessly transmitting a speaker’s voice directly to the listener. It offers excellent signal-to-noise ratio and guarantees access to new levels of speech understanding for people with complex hearing loss.
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