Siemens Click and Life Domes
Please take care when ordering that you know what size and type of dome you require. If in doubt please ask our advice or alternatively the company that supplied your hearing aids. There are two types of Siemens RIC domes for Siemens Pure, Siemens
Please take care when ordering that you know what size and type of dome you require. If in doubt please ask our advice or alternatively the company that supplied your hearing aids.
There are two types of Siemens RIC domes for Siemens Pure, Siemens Centra Active and Siemens Cielo2 Active, they are called Grid and Click and they are not interchangeable. Grid domes have now been phased out and are impossible to source. If you still have the old Grid receiver and need new domes you will need to purchase a newer Click Receiver to replace your old Grid receiver and then buy Click domes for it.
Click domes are also suitable for NHS supplied Impact R and Octiv R RIC hearing aids but obviously please be aware of the above comments about receivers and matching domes.
The Siemens Life domes (often called life tips) are suitable for all current Siemens slim tube products (where sound is sent down a thin tube without a speaker in the ear) and most legacy thin tube products too, basically if the product has the word ‘Life’ in the title this type of dome will be suitable. Examples of suitability are Siemens Life 701, 500, 301, 100, Intuis Life, Centra Life etc. and also Motion SX. Life domes are also suitable for NHS supplied Reflex and Impact L and M, and Octiv hearing aids (apart from Octiv R, see above).
Siemens domes are available in these sizes;
Click domes (6 Pack) – Open – 4mm, 8mm, 10mm, Closed – 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, Power 8-10mm and 10-12mm, Semi-Open (Tulip) – Standard
Life domes (10 Pack) – Open – 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, Closed – 8mm, Power 8-10mm and 10-12mm, Semi-Open (Tulip) – Standard
If you order the wrong size / type of dome but can return unopened and in a re-saleable condition we are happy to replace with the correct item, however we cannot accept opened packets that we cannot re-sell.
It’s a good idea if you are unsure of the product to order to look at the picture of the product to the left and measure and compare the diameter of one of your existing domes at its base.
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