Slim/micro/thin tubes for all types of hearing aid
Buy replacement thin tubes, micro tubing and slim tubing for hearing aids from the very best manufacturers including Phonak, Oticon, Unitron, Widex and many more online now

Widex Micro M / Elan Tube
The Widex Micro M slim tubes are suitable for all Widex Micro M BTE slim tube products. The Widex Elan slim tubes are suitable for all Widex 9 series Elan slim tube products.
GN ReSound / Danalogic Thin Tube
All GN ReSound thin tube products after around 2008-2009 use the screw fit ReSound Thin Tube. (Apart from SureFit tubes that were introduced in January 2015 and are currently only compatible with LiNX². If you require a SureFit tube please email us with
Oticon Corda 2 and Corda miniFIT Tube
Oticon Corda 2 and Corda miniFIT slim tubes for Oticon Spirit 3, Spirit Zest and Synergy supplied by NHS. Also suitable for Oticon Epoq, Vigo, Agil, Acto BTE’s etc. if already fitted with slim tubes. The above hearing aids can be converted from the
Phonak and Unitron Slim / Micro / HE Tube
Phonak and Unitron have three versions of Slim / Micro Tubes. For all slim / micro tube fittings previous to Phonak Spice / Unitron Era range (launched in 10/2010) we have Phonak Slim Tubes / Unitron Moda that have a screw fit, and Phonak Micro Tubes /
Siemens Life / S-Life Slim Tube
The Siemens Life slim tubes have a screw fitting and are suitable with all current slim tube products available privately and most legacy products too. Basically if the product has the word ‘Life’ in the title this type of tube will be suitable.
Starkey mini BTE Thin Tube
Starkey mini BTE tubes. Fits most Starkey BTE hearing aids that take a thin tube screw fitting. Examples include Starkey X Series, S Series, Y Series, Destiny BTE, E Series, 2 Series and NHS Starkey Maia. (Only Destiny 1200 Power Plus unsuitable and if