Oticon ProWax Wax Guards
Oticon ProWax wax guards- can be used with Oticon and Bernafon hearing aids that have previously used NoWax guards.
Can be used with Oticon and Bernafon hearing aids that have previously used NoWax. The ProWax is a shallower version of the NoWax used a lot with Oticon and Bernafon hearing aids. The ProWax has a finer filter than the NoWax and has the benefit of being nano coated with moisture repellency.
Oticon ProWax also is seen on RITE / miniRITE receiver wires with S and M power levels, Power Moulds and with Intiga i and Intiga IIC. (RITE and miniRITE P receiver wires and Micro Moulds use Cerustops).
Oticon ProWax is also used across the new Inium range of hearing aids, Alta, Nera and Ria (ITE, ITC, CIC, Flex Mould, miniFit Lite and Micro Moulds), but not miniFit Receiver wires (60, 85, 100) which use ProWax miniFit.
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