New Hearing Aids Use Bio-Metric Data To Deliver Better Experience
While I, and many others concentrated on the new Made For Any Phone hearing aid introduction yesterday. Phonak also introduced the complete range of Virto B custom hearing aid products. They say that it is the first ever hearing aid to use bio-metric data to increase signal to noise ratio. That's another new innovation.
They say that they are custom-made to perfectly fit in your ear, Phonak Virto B are the world’s first hearing aids with Biometric Calibration, which take your individual ear anatomy and hearing needs into account. That's an interesting description.
They say that they will identify over 1600 biometric data points in and on your ear, and the unique calibration settings are calculated for each Virto B hearing aid. In this way, Virto B is able to more reliably sense where sound is coming from, thereby giving you access to better hearing performance.
Using The Outer Ear
What does that all mean? Well, we think that Phonak are the first ever hearing aid manufacturer to carefully map the outer ear to take advantage of its natural abilities. The outer ear naturally heightens some sounds while also helping us to identify where sounds are coming from. They say that the new process will deliver a 2dB signal to noise ratio improvement. Basically means it will make the signal (what you want to listen to) 2dB higher than the noise.
2dB doesn't sound like much, but combined with all the other strategies that Phonak use it will be a marked improvement. Phonak Virto B is available in six models to match your hearing needs. It is also available in the usual four levels of technology, the 90, 70, 50 and 30. They say that there will also be a Virto B CROS. This pretty much fills out the Belong range, now all of the latest Phonak hearing aids are powered by Belong apart from the Naida. The devices should be available in the US around the end of August and in the UK and the rest of the world early September.
Meet The New Phonak Virto B Range
Virto B-10 NW O
In the Ear
- Custom Product
- Mild to severe hearing loss
- Battery: 10 zinc air
- Truly invisible
- Non Wireless
- Omni-Directional
Virto B-10 O
In the Ear
- Custom Product
- Mild to severe hearing loss
- Battery: 10 zinc air
- Wireless
- Omni-Directional
Virto B-10
In the Ear
- Custom Product
- Mild to severe hearing loss
- Battery: 10 zinc air
- Wireless
- Directional Mics
Virto B-312 NW O
In the Ear
- Custom Product
- Mild to severe hearing loss
- Battery: 312 zinc air
- Non Wireless
- Omni-directional
Virto B-312
In the Ear
- Custom Product
- Mild to profound hearing loss
- Battery: 312 zinc air
- Wireless
- Directional Mics
Virto B-13
In the Ear
- Custom Product
- Mild to profound hearing loss
- Battery: 13 zinc air
- Wireless
- Directional Mics
Posted by Geoff

Geoffrey Cooling

Geoffrey (Geoff, anything else makes him nervous) Cooling has been involved with the hearing aid industry for over ten years. He has worked in private practice dispensing hearing aids and as a manufacturer's rep. He has written two books and they are both available on Amazon. He loves technology, passing on knowledge and is legendary for many other things, primarily the amount he curses, his dry and mischievous sense of humour and his complete intolerance of people who are full of themselves. Please feel free to connect with him