Alan Hopkirk, a Tinnitus Expert who has a Practice in Glasgow, Scotland, recently undertook a video report summing up the latest findings at the Regensburg Tinnitus Research Initiative Conference 2018. We thought it was important to share the video to a wide audience.
Alan Hopkirk at Tinnitus Conference in GermanyOur Clinical Director Alan Hopkirk recently attended TRI, the Tinnitus Research Initiative conference in Regensburg, Germany. Here Alan summarises his experience of the event and the current status of tinnitus research. #tinnitus #tinntustreatment
Posted by The Invisible Hearing Clinic on Saturday, 31 March 2018
If you like what you see, share it so others can benefit
Posted by Geoff

Geoffrey Cooling

Geoffrey (Geoff, anything else makes him nervous) Cooling is an Irish hearing aid blogger and has been involved with the hearing aid industry for over ten years. He has worked in private practice dispensing hearing aids and as a manufacturer's rep. He has written two books and they are both available on Amazon. He loves technology, passing on knowledge and is legendary for many other things, primarily the amount he curses, his dry and mischievous sense of humour and his complete intolerance of people who are full of themselves. Please feel free to connect with him
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