Costco Kirkland 9.0 Hearing Aids Phonak Marvels?
Rumours abound just now across the different hearing aid forums that Costco is about to introduce the new Kirkland 9.0 hearing aids and that they, in fact, will be Phonak Marvel hearing aids in disguise. The release date is supposedly this Monday the 15th of July. We decided to dig a little deeper to see if we could find out any more.
There has been some talk for the last month or so that the Phonak Marvel was going into Costco, but the rumours were unconfirmed. Then, over the past weekend, the forums exploded with talk that the Phonak Marvel was to be the new Costco Kirkland 9.0 signature hearing aids.
A professional, quoting senior sources clarified that the new devices would, in fact, be a completely new product based on the Sword Chipset which powers the Phonak Marvel and Unitron Discover. The product will be a Receiver In Canal hearing aid, it will not be rechargeable and it will be built in a new case.
Made By Sonova
He went on to say that the accompanying paperwork with the device, instruction booklet etc, will be labelled Sonova. Sonova is the parent corporation that owns the Phonak and Unitron brands among others. I think if it is true, this will be the first-ever Sonova branded hearing device.
This move makes strategic sense for both parties, the Marvel has proved astonishingly popular. It has captured the imagination of the buying public like no other aid I can remember. For Costco, it makes perfect sense to have something like it as their flagship hearing aid.
For Sonova, it will mean a huge bump in units and market penetration, and using the Sonova brand will help protect both the Unitron and Phonak brand in the wider market place.
Kirkland Hearing Aid Page down
Just a quick by the by, and it might mean nothing, but it was the first thing that caught my attention. The Kirkland hearing aid page is down right now. It could be a simple internal glitch, or Costco could have pulled the Kirkland 8.0 page to have it replaced with the new 9.0 page on Monday?
As ever, this is a developing story and we will keep you updated as it unfolds. Like us on Facebook by clicking the button below to keep up to date with our latest articles.