Ode To Joy and The Roar of The Battlefield, A Pretty Good Audio Experience
I have had the Moxi All for a while now and I have been pretty impressed with them. On a daily use basis, they work well even in demanding sound environments giving crisp and clear speech understanding and a pretty exceptional spatial awareness experience. I will talk about that in another article to come, in this article I want to focus on the phone call experience and the streaming audio experience with the TV Connector.
Moxi All Phone Experience
You can not overstate the simple joy of answering the phone hands-free. It is fantastically wonderful. This feature alone would make these my everyday go-to hearing aids if it wasn't for the other audio streaming limitations. But, and this is a big but (shaking my but in your face, whoop whoop!) I am a voracious consumer of audiobooks and podcasts from my phone. If you aren't, and I know many people are not, if you simply want to be able to answer the damn mobile phone and speak with ease and without fuss, well then this hearing aid may well be a gift from God.
I can not overstate the simple joy of pressing a button on my hearing aid to answer a call and then to talk hands-free
One Ear Only? No Problem!
The system works exceptionally well, a jingle announces that you have a phone call. Takes a little getting used to, for the first few days it kept catching me off guard. You simply take the call by pressing the button on the right hearing aid or dismiss the call by pressing the left one. When you answer the call, the caller's voice appears in one ear only, which many people within the profession are a little non plussed by. However, my experience is that in most situations, that has been fine. I have rarely had issues hearing the caller, except in a sound situation where I would expect to have to step outside to take a phone call in any way.
The hearing aids use the microphones to allow the caller to hear your voice. In all of the calls I have been on, very few callers have had any issue hearing me. One of the people I have been using to test the system has said that he reckons the sound of my voice is pretty typical to any Bluetooth headset. He said it sounded a bit like I was speaking on a car Bluetooth system but he could hear me fine.
Overall, A Thumbs Up From Me Bob!
I have to say my overall phone experience was excellent. Generally, I could always hear the caller when I expected that I should, and they always heard me when I expected that they should. So, that has to be a winner.
Listening to The TV
Streaming audio using the TV Connector is an amazing experience. The sound quality is outstanding, it offers nuanced sound detail and a pretty seamless sound experience. I hooked up an audio player to it as well and played Pachelbel's Cannon and Ode An De Freude by Beethoven. I swear it nearly moved me to tears. Smack My Bitch Up by the prodigy was pretty cool as well. The sound production was excellent, warm, nuanced, bassy to the right extent and delivered high-quality treble.
Listening to both the TV and any other audio source is pretty seamless. You simply hook up your audio source, turn the TV Connector on and voila streaming audio. No fuss, no hassle, relative ease and a pretty great sound experience. Listening to TV programmes and the odd film delivered a great experience, again full warm and nuanced sound which allowed easy understanding.
These are really good hearing aids and the general Bluetooth experience is pretty good. As I said, my only problem with them is that they don't stream audiobooks from my phone. This is important for me, but it shouldn't put you off if you aren't interested in that. If you want a hearing aid that offers complete freedom with your mobile phone (don't forget, any mobile phone!) well then this hearing aid is an outstanding solution.
What About General Use?
Just a teaser here, because my experience with general use deserves a full article. These are really solid hearing aids that work well in all of the sound environments that I find myself in. The fact they are rechargeable adds to the attraction.
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Posted by Geoff

Geoffrey Cooling

Geoffrey (Geoff, anything else makes him nervous) Cooling is an Irish hearing aid blogger and has been involved with the hearing aid industry for over ten years. He has worked in private practice dispensing hearing aids and as a manufacturer's rep. He has written two books and they are both available on Amazon. He loves technology, passing on knowledge and is legendary for many other things, primarily the amount he curses, his dry and mischievous sense of humour and his complete intolerance of people who are full of themselves. Please feel free to connect with him
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