Phonak Marvel Hearing Aids Launched in The UK, Here is What We know
As we reported, Phonak is rolling out the new Audeo Marvel across the world. On Friday the 2nd of November the devices were launched in the UK, and we learnt a little more about the range and its availability. Phonak is only introducing two of the devices initially, and they are available for pre-order right now. Phonak UK expects to be delivering those orders from November the 22nd. Let's talk about the Phonak Marvel.
New Programmes New AutoSense 3.0
The Marvel range will have two new programmes available to it, streamed speech and streamed music. Both of course designed to get the very best from the audio streaming capability that the devices have. AutoSense (which is the management system for the hearing aids) has been upgraded again with additional training. The deeper the training that these systems are given, the better the learning and the better they work in the real world. Phonak are quoting research about improved listening ability and reduced listening effort amongst other benefits.
Binaural Voice Stream Technology (BVST)
Phonak has become quite famous for their BVST features; they use real-time Binaural Voice Streaming to deliver real benefits in different types of sound situations. In the original Made For Any Phone hearing aids, BVST didn't work. They have fixed this in the Marvel range and all of the automatic sound programmes and features they are famous for, work within the Marvel range.
Marvel Hearing Aid Models
As I said, the Audeo Marvel will be available in five hearing aid models, every one of those models will be available across the four levels of technology, so that means that Phonak will offer rechargeable hearing aids at the entry level for the first time. I have discussed pricing ranges below; they are educated guesses based on experience and the price ranges cover the entire platform from the Marvel 30 to the Marvel 90 level of technology. The models are as follows:
Audeo Marvel R
The Audeo Marvel R is Phonak's latest rechargeable Made For Any Phone hearing aid, it is quite discreet and can be used with several receiver variations meaning it can cover a lot of hearing losses. The device will connect directly to any Bluetooth enabled Mobile phone and will stream phone calls and audio in stereo. The devices are available from November 22 in the UK and should be rolled out globally through November and December.
Expected Price
From £695.00 to £2200.00 in the UK. From €1200.00 to €3000.00 in Ireland. From $1400.00 to $3200.00 in the USA.
Audeo Marvel 312
The Audeo Marvel 312 is a very small RIC device which uses a size 312 battery, it is quite discreet and can be used with several receiver variations meaning it can cover a lot of hearing losses. It doesn't have a telecoil although as always it is a wireless device. The device will connect directly to any Bluetooth enabled Mobile phone and will stream phone calls and audio in stereo. The devices are available from November 22 in the UK and should be rolled out globally through November and December.
Expected Price
From £695.00 to £2200.00 in the UK. From €1200.00 to €3000.00 in Ireland. From $1400.00 to $3200.00 in the USA.
Audeo Marvel 312 T
The Audeo Marvel 312T is a small RIC device which uses a 312 battery, it is still very discreet and can be used with several receiver variations meaning it can cover a lot of hearing losses. This device will have a telecoil. The device will connect directly to any Bluetooth enabled Mobile phone and will stream phone calls and audio in stereo. This device will not be available until Spring 2019.
Expected Price
From £695.00 to £2200.00 in the UK. From €1200.00 to €3000.00 in Ireland. From $1400.00 to $3200.00 in the USA.
Audeo Marvel 13T
The Audeo Marvel 13T is a RIC device that will use a size 13 battery. It will be slightly bigger than the 312, but still pretty discrete. It can be used with several receiver variations meaning it can cover a lot of hearing losses. The device will connect directly to any Bluetooth enabled Mobile phone and will stream phone calls and audio in stereo. This device will not be available until Spring 2019.
Expected Price
From £695.00 to £2200.00 in the UK. From €1200.00 to €3000.00 in Ireland. From $1400.00 to $3200.00 in the USA.
Audeo Marvel RT
The Audeo Marvel RT is a rechargeable RIC hearing aid which will have a telecoil. It can be used with several receiver variations meaning it can cover a lot of hearing losses. The device will connect directly to any Bluetooth enabled Mobile phone and will stream phone calls and audio in stereo. This device will not be available until late 2019.
Expected Price
From £695.00 to £2200.00 in the UK. From €1200.00 to €3000.00 in Ireland. From $1400.00 to $3200.00 in the USA.
New Charger Cases
Phonak has also released two new charger cases with the Marvel range and a power pack.
Phonak Mini Charger Case
The Phonak Mini Charger Case, with standard USB-C charging outlet, is a compact charger for two Audéo M-R or Audéo M-RT hearing aids.
Phonak Combi Charger Case
The Phonak Charger Case Combi is a charger, drying kit and protective hard case all in one. Additionally, it includes a cleaning tool in the robust and splash-proof housing.
Phonak Power Pack
For charging rechargeable hearing aids on the go, the Phonak Power Pack can be easily attached to the bottom of the Phonak Charger Case Combi.
We will set up a series of pages discussing the technology levels of the Marvel range and what they offer over the next few weeks. Like us on Facebook to keep up with the latest news on hearing aids and hearing loss or simply subscribe to our newsletter.
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Posted by Geoff

Geoffrey Cooling

Geoffrey (Geoff, anything else makes him nervous) Cooling is an Irish hearing aid blogger and has been involved with the hearing aid industry since 2007. He has worked in private practice dispensing hearing aids and as a manufacturer's rep. He has written two books and they are both available on Amazon. He loves technology, passing on knowledge and is legendary for many other things, primarily the amount he curses, his dry and mischievous sense of humour and his complete intolerance of people who are full of themselves. Please feel free to connect with him.
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