Hearing Aids, Hearing Tests & Hearing Care in Cleveland Ohio
25 Years experience delivering better hearing solutions in Solon.
We have known Carol Hawkins for some time, she is another lady who is committed to delivering the highest level of care possible to her customers. She is both caring and compassionate, while highly professional she is approachable and easy to speak with. Carol is dedicated to providing premier hearing care and the very best hearing aids in Solon, Ohio.

Delivering Outstanding Hearing Care
Carol Hawkins Au.D
Dr. Hawkins, audiologist and owner of Hawkins Hearing Center, has been involved in the hearing healthcare field for over 25 years. She received her B.A. in Communicative Disorders from California State University, Fullerton in 1985, her M.A. in Audiology from California State University, Los Angeles in 1986, and her doctoral degree in Audiology from Arizona School of Health Sciences in 2005.
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Hearing Tests & Healthcare services
Hearing Aids
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