Solid Performers, Great Features, No Limitations
In this the final article of the Moxi All series I want to offer a rundown of my daily experiences with the devices. I also want to round out all of the details and explain why I think Unitron has been really smart with the design, feature set and positioning of their latest product. I have to say my daily experience with the devices has been pretty good. The phone experience has been solid and a pleasure, all in all, I am pretty happy with these devices.
Rechargeable Hearing Aid Experience
This is my first ever rechargeable hearing aid experience and I have to say I like it. Dropping them in the charger at night and just lifting them off in the morning all the while not having to worry about running out of battery power is pretty damn cool. The other thing is that the Bluetooth phone feature is pretty power hungry so making these hearing aids rechargeable was an inspired idea from Unitron.
Overall Sound
So, the hearing aids I had were Flex models, which meant I could change them to any level of technology that I wanted to. In the past, all of the reviews I have undertaken of any hearing aids has been of the top of the range offerings. So, I made the aids the Pro version for the basis of the review.
Overall sound experience was pretty damn good across every tech level from the very basic all the way to the top
All The Tech Levels Sound Good
However, just because I could, I checked out every level of technology that Unitron offer. And you know what, in quiet watching the TV or on the phone or just sitting talking with one or two people. They all sounded great. Now a caveat here, I never put those other tech levels through their paces, I just had a listen in relatively sedate surroundings.
Anyway, the overall sound experience with the Pro was pretty good, clarity delivered was great. They were nice and crisp delivering the high-frequency amplification I need.
Everyday Situations
The Pro level is fully automatic and offers automated switching between seven sound environments pre-sets which are Music, Noise, Conversation in a Crowd, Conversation in Small Group, Conversation in Quiet, Conversation in Noise and finally Quiet. I found the hearing aids worked pretty well across all of my everyday situations.
Seamless adaptions automatically without fuss across all the sound situations
They managed to switch seamlessly to handle situations and I detected no time lag or obvious switching. One thing that struck me though was the noise reduction for impact type sounds. I found it quite obvious when it kicked in. It wasn't problematic or anything, it was just obvious.
In quiet, they were really quiet, I have said it before, that might seem strange but not all hearing aids are quiet. Unitron says they focus on the conversation and my experience certainly seemed to validate that. Conversations across different situations were pretty good and easy to undertake.
What About Noise?
I was in a fair few noisy situations wearing the hearing aids and they performed admirably well. The devices offered really good spatial awareness, which is something I have spoken about before in relation to the Tempus platform. They delivered the ability to understand speech in all of the situations I found myself in during the test period. They offered decent clarity and I wasn't often tired after wearing them during noisy situations.
In The Car and Outdoors
In my last review, I explained that I like to have the window open in the car, no matter how cold it is. It means that wind rushes through and across that open window. The Moxi All seemed to handle it pretty well, the wind sounded no louder than it should and it didn't intrude upon my ability to hold a conversation while taking phone calls or listening to the radio.
The overall car experience and outdoor experience was really very good. In the outdoors, although I was in the wide open and it was windy, the wind never felt overpowering. Nor did it cause me any issues with understanding the conversation either in person or while taking a phone call which brings me to the Phone experience.
Using A Mobile Phone
I have to say that the mobile phone experience is outstanding. I said it before, you can not understate the joy of taking a phone call by simply tapping the button on your hearing aid and getting on with it. I found it pretty excellent no matter the situation I was in.
Taking phone calls is a pleasure, simply no fuss and with complete ease
While it only happens in one ear, it never seemed to be a problem, I could hear and speak when I felt I should be able to. You can't really ask any more than that can you? I have to say I really loved this feature, in fact, if it wasn't for the other phone streaming issue, I would seriously think about making these my daily hearing aids. Let's talk about that and why it might not matter to you.
Streaming Audio
So, my issue here is that I listen to a lot of streamed audio from my phone. You simply can't do it with the Moxi All. For me, that is kind of a deal breaker, but if you don't care about listening to audio from your phone, well then these hearing aids could definitely be for you. Especially if you really want to be able to converse on your mobile phone freely with ease.
Streaming audio from the TV Connector is an outstanding experience
The TV Connector, however, is an outstanding piece of kit. The audio is streamed from anything you connect it to in stereo to both ears with outstanding audio quality. I tried it out on the TV and with some music designed to really test it. I tried it out with two pieces of classical music and it delivered in spades. Giving nuanced, full and warm sound with deep lows and zinging highs. I also threw some Prodigy at it, just because, and I have to say it handled the pounding beat well, giving good bass without distortion.
So again I say if streaming audio from your phone isn't important, but streaming audio from your TV and home audio system is important while speaking on your mobile phone without fuss is paramount, well then you need to think about these hearing aids. What's even better, they come in five price points, that's right, five different price points.
Rechargeability and Made For Any Phone at Five Price Points
This is the one thing that has really struck me with the Moxi All. Unitron has decided to make two of the most sought-after features in modern hearing aids available in five different price points, from the very basic, all the way to their top of the range hearing aid technology. That's pretty impressive stuff and it means pretty much no matter what your budget is, you can get one for you.
Final Round Up
Okay, simply put without the anything else, these are pretty good hearing aids that will deliver a good experience as you move through your daily life. When you add the rechargeable feature, the outstanding streaming from the TV Connector and the Made For Any Phone feature it all adds up to an amazing set of hearing aids. Unitron's ability to offer the Made For Any Phone feature without losing any of their abilities or features just makes things sweeter. All of that offered in five technology levels and price points make them almost unbeatable. Like I said, they are not for me, but I am truly sad they aren't, maybe they are for you though, so give them a try.
Here is a video produced by Matthew Pearson of Zone 1 Hearing who provides hearing care and hearing aids in London about the Moxi All.
If you like what you see, share it so others can benefit
Posted by Geoff

Geoffrey Cooling

Geoffrey (Geoff, anything else makes him nervous) Cooling is an Irish hearing aid blogger and has been involved with the hearing aid industry for over ten years. He has worked in private practice dispensing hearing aids and as a manufacturer's rep. He has written two books and they are both available on Amazon. He loves technology, passing on knowledge and is legendary for many other things, primarily the amount he curses, his dry and mischievous sense of humour and his complete intolerance of people who are full of themselves. Please feel free to connect with him
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