Blamey and Saunders Launch Facett Rechargeable Reciever in Canal Device
We don't support many online providers of hearing aids on Know and we have set out our reasons before in our article "Buying Hearing Aids Online? Here is What You Need To Know". However, Australian company Blamey and Saunders are one of the online providers we have always had little problem with. Simply because they have designed a complete system to programme, and finetune their hearing aids online. In essence, they have designed their system from the ground up to be sold online, rather than trying to shoehorn devices that aren't designed for the concept into a new business model. Anyway, they have just announced the launch of a new hearing device, so we thought we would have a look at it.
Meet The Facett
They are calling the new hearing aid the Facett, it is a rechargeable receiver in canal hearing aid with a difference. It is split into two separate pieces. The core device which is, in fact, the business end of the hearing aid and the module, which is basically the rechargeable battery part.
The name of the device is pretty apt as the hearing aid case is indeed faceted. The hearing aid will be sold online through their site and will be preprogrammed to your test results before being dispatched to you. However, like all of the other Blamey and Saunders devices, the hearing aids will come with self-fitting software that will allow you to connect to them to programme and fine-tune the devices yourself.
Testing Your Hearing
On the website, you can use the Blamey and Saunders speech perception test to test your ability to hear. This will be used to programme up your hearing aids to suit your specific hearing needs. However, they will also accept a recent audiogram to be used as the basis of the fitting.
Fitting and Programming
When the hearing aids arrive, they will be pre-programmed to your needs, however, the pack includes a device they call the Incus M which is used to connect to and programme the hearing aids. You can use this along with their proprietary software called IHearYou to self-programme and fine tune the hearing aids in your own home.
You can adjust your hearing aid settings on your Windows computer, Android and iOS devices. It also connects you with their team of hearing experts who can help you optimise your settings for the listening environments that are important to you.
Online Support
Blamey and Saunders also offer continued online or telephone support to ensure that the hearing aids perform and you can manage to get the best out of them.
What about the technology inside the hearing aids? Well, here is what they say and I will try to decipher it,
- You’ll find sound rich and clear because it’s filtered through 96 output channels. So basically it is a multi-channel hearing aid although 96 channels sound huge. I don't know any other manufacturer that uses so many channels. Most hearing aid brands agree any more than twenty is probably overkill.
- Clever microphone technology helps you focus on what you want to hear. It isolates speech and reduces distracting background noise. They are using directional microphones, no details on beamforming or mic array strategy.
- Listening comfort is maintained with our proprietary sound processor that quickly analyses your environment and makes adjustments for your hearing needs. The devices use an automatic and adaptive system which responds to changing sound environments.
What You Can Expect in The Box
Basically, you get the hearing aids, two sets of rechargeable modules, a charging and drying pod, a plug and cable for the charging pod, the Incus M device, a cleaning kit and earbuds.
This is Not a Cheap Option
While many feel that online hearing aids are the cheap option these aren't cheap hearing aids. At $5990 Australian Dollars these devices aren't cheap in any person's language. It will be interesting to see how well these devices are received. Hearing devices from Blamey and Saunders have generally received very decent reviews from buyers, however, as is always the case not everyone has been happy. However, as I have said, they have been generally well received.
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Posted by Geoff

Geoffrey Cooling

Geoffrey (Geoff, anything else makes him nervous) Cooling is an Irish hearing aid blogger and has been involved with the hearing aid industry for over ten years. He has worked in private practice dispensing hearing aids and as a manufacturer's rep. He has written two books and they are both available on Amazon. He loves technology, passing on knowledge and is legendary for many other things, primarily the amount he curses, his dry and mischievous sense of humour and his complete intolerance of people who are full of themselves. Please feel free to connect with him
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