The new custom Made For iPhone hearing aids from Bernafon will be available from November 1st, and they look pretty good. Bernafon will be one of only three hearing aid brands to offer a direct connection to iPhones once the devices are launched. Both Oticon and Bernafon are renowned for their custom hearing aids, but because of the delayed introduction of the Zerena customs, they have fallen slightly out of favour. I think that the new launch of these devices will change things. That wasn’t the only news; they are also introducing two new technology levels at the value range. Let’s talk about what’s going on with Bernafon.
Two New Technology Levels
Bernafon is introducing two new levels to the Zerena that they say will fall within the value offering. The new technology levels are called the Zerena 1 and the Zerena 3 range. The new customs will be available in those new technology levels as well, which will mean custom Made For iPhone hearing aids in the value price proposition which is probably a bit of a first.
I can’t really think of anyone else who is offering any direct connection Made For iPhone hearing aids at the type of price I would expect these to be sold at. There certainly is no brand offering custom Made For iPhone hearing aids at this price point. The basic Zerena 1 is a basic device, but with the addition of the TV streamer or the Soundclip-A you will get a lot of hearing aid functionality quite cheaply.
Powerful Customs
We have spoken already about the custom devices that are being introduced but we found out a bit more about power levels and options. The IIC and CIC will have access to a 75 and an 85 receiver which basically means that they will cover moderate to severe hearing losses. The size of speaker will be dependent on the space in the ear canal. However, Bernafons says that the new components are smaller than ever and should allow the IIC and CIC to physically fit far more people than ever.
The rest of the custom range has access to four levels of receiver, the 75 and 85 as well as a 90 and a 100. This should allow these devices to be fit for people who have severe to profound hearing losses.
Upgraded Easy Control App
Bernafon has upgraded their app on both iOS (iPhone) and Android. The new app is a little more functional than it originally was. It still doesn't match up to some of the other brand's apps, but it does all of the basics.
Early November Launch
The devices and the new tech levels will be available to order from Bernafon in early November, so people should be able to give them a try pretty soon. If we hear any more, we will keep you updated.
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Posted by Geoff

Geoffrey Cooling

Geoffrey (Geoff, anything else makes him nervous) Cooling is an Irish hearing aid blogger and has been involved with the hearing aid industry for over ten years. He has worked in private practice dispensing hearing aids and as a manufacturer's rep. He has written two books and they are both available on Amazon. He loves technology, passing on knowledge and is legendary for many other things, primarily the amount he curses, his dry and mischievous sense of humour and his complete intolerance of people who are full of themselves. Please feel free to connect with him
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