Steve Claridge

I have been wearing hearing aids since I was five years old, when a mild hearing loss was first diagnosed - now aged 43, that mild loss has progressed to a severe one and I now rely on some pretty awesome hearing aid tech to be able to stay in the conversation.
I started Hearing Aid Know as a simple blog about 13 years ago, as a way to better understand my hearing loss and to connect with other people in the same boat, which worked really well, I've got to know a lot of other bloggers, people running charities and also hearing professionals. I've always enjoyed writing on here and I hope at least a few people have found something interesting and usefull and maybe made their life with hearing loss a little bit easier.
I am a computer programmer by trade and total computer nerd. I got my first computer when I was 9, a ZX Spectrum 48k, and spent many a happy hour taking games apart to find out how they worked. Over the years I've worked for mostly medical and academic publishing companies, building desktop applications, websites and software for medical imaging machines.
I'm not sure what the future will bring in terms of my hearing. Hearing aids improve all the time and even though my hearing continues to degrade the technology available always improves enough to allow me to hear. My hearing loss is already severe, I don't know how long it will be before I need to think about a cochlear implant.
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