Quick, Safe & Comfortable Ear Wax Removal in Pinner
- £40 for one ear, £70 for two
No Mess, No Fuss, Just Easy Ear Cleaning
If you would like to book an appointment or contact us for any other reason, please pop your details in below and we will get straight back to you.
Are you suffering with itchy or sore ears?
A build up of ear wax can cause your ear to become itchy, sore or infected. In worse cases excessive ear wax can cause tinnitus (hearing ringing sounds that aren't really there) or vertigo (a spinning sensation).
Ear wax is produced in your ears to keep them clean and germ-free - this usually passes out of your ear naturally without any problems.
When ear wax starts to build up in the ear (a very common thing) and causes pain or other problems, it needs to be removed by a professional. We use a technique called MicroSuction, which is basically a small suction device that gently pulls the wax out - it only takes 30 minutes and is safe and comfortable.
Trying to remove your own wax build-up with cotton buds will often result in pushing the wax further in to the ear and aggravating the problem.
Quick, easy & professional ear-wax removal in Pinner
£40 for one ear
£70 for both ears
Get In Touch
If you would like to book an ear-wax removal, would like to know more about our services or have any other questions, you can either fill out the form at the top of this page, call us or drop in to our clinic.
iCare Opticians
6 Barters Walk
High Street
Rated 5 out of /5 based on over 38 customer reviews
Certified ClearWax earwax removal Professional
Mr Kaz Shiraz is an approved CLEARWAX ear wax removal specialist in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire who has been ENT-trained to perform endoscopic ear wax removal, including E-suction™, to safely clean and clear your blocked ear. Unlike ear syringing and irrigation which attempts to flush out ear wax blindly by pumping water in your ear, E-suction™ gently vacuums ear wax out of the ear under direct vision using our specially developed iCLEARscope™ endoscope. This method of visualising the ear wax with an endoscope whilst removing it was clinically found to be quicker, more comfortable and easier to perform compared to an operating microscope commonly used for microsuction.

About Kaz
I am a qualified Audiologist, graduating in 2009 from the BSc Audiology course at Aston University. My training was undertaken primarily at Wycombe General Hospital (also my birthplace), Amersham Hospital & Stoke Mandeville Hospital. On graduating I was very fortunate to be offered a position as a Clinical Research Associate for MED-EL who specialised in cochlear implants and middle ear implants. This position took me to Innsbruck, Austria where my career began. The next stage in my career took me to a leading hearing aid manufacturer where I started as a Technical Support Audiologist, supporting audiologist and hearing aid users with the troubleshooting/technical advice and training to achieve effective outcomes. I soon progressed to Associate Product Manager leading to the full role as Product Manager and Head of Technical Support for the UK operations. This enabled me to enhance my career significantly working on new product development by understanding and communicating the needs of the audiologist and more importantly the hearing aid wearer. Furthermore I was involved in bringing new and innovative solutions to the market. As a passionate Audiologist I felt that all of the skills and knowledge I had embraced over the years would set a fantastic foundation for me to start my own independent business offering hearing care services from assessment, fitting & rehabilitation to ear care services offering wax removal. Aside of my professional activities I am a keen sportsman.